About 30 years ago I got in my faithful old light-blue Datsun 120Y and went on a road trip with my best friend, Martin, exploring Zimbabwe. At one stage we ended up driving out to the Matopos Hills, just outside Bulawayo.
The Matopos Hills is a vast area of massive granite boulders, and as we wove our way through this amazing part of the country, we pulled over to eat a sandwich and knock back a warm, but very welcome, Coke-a-Cola.
I had done some of my Police training in this area, and Martin and I were discussing some of the history about the Matopos that we had learnt at school, (and some of the highs and lows of my training – more lows than highs I might add!) and for some reason, and I remember it well, Martin said he would love to find a place in the Matopos that had never ever been touched by a human before. We both stared at the massive granite outcrop in front of us in silence, and then as if reading each other’s minds, Matrin simply said, “let’s go”.
We climbed to the very top of the outcrop and looked at the magnificent view; eagles were soaring below us! As a token of our respect for the magnificent Matopos Hills, and for its incredible historical past, we placed some coins under a rock, and silently left, vowing one day to return.
That day is yet to happen.
That place is our Nomandudwane.

Five Stars.
Daphnie Wilkinson
Amazon Review

VERY frustrated! Have just finished your book and cannot wait for the next!
Bartbara Harmel
Johannesburg, South Africa

A Fabulous, Fast and Factual Book.
Annie Oakleigh
Amazon Review

Loved reading the book> Had a guest staying and he could not put the book down and got up at night to finish it before leaving.
Alta Oosthuizen
Cape Town

The first book in the ‘Langbourne’ series. Set in 1891 it tells the story of two young Irish brothers who set sail for Africa to seek a better life. Based on a true story and actual events.
Langbournes Rebellion
The second book in the ‘Langbourne’ series. This book continues the fascinating story of the Langbourne brothers as they explore deeper into Africa’s heartland, encountering the perils, fears and joys of this most mysterious continent. Based on a true story and actual historical events, this story is told from the perspective of these two young entrepreneurs.